A bunch of Scouts ham for the camera.

Camp Oljato for Scouts

Camp Oljato—where you pick your own adventure!

You can climb a rock, shoot an arrow, paddle a canoe, ride a horse, and do a dozen other things! There is way more to do than time allows, but go ahead and try!

In addition to all this fun, you can work on your skills, eat your fill, and enjoy campfires, stargazing, wildlife and wilderness.

Camp Oljato patch with Brave and Warrior segments. Join . . .

the Tribe of Oljato! You start as a Brave and move up to the Tribal Council.

Merit badge sash. Pick . . .

from a wide variety of merit badges, water activities, shooting sports, and more.

A canoe race starts. Win . . .

the Olympicade in several sports, such as pentathalon and scoutmaster belly flop.

Check out Camp Oljato's Program page to see your opportunities for adventure.

Learn more about getting ready for camp
and being at camp.